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The Pandemonium Trial

Town Square

(salvaged forum post, that started this website)

PvP Coalition Ladder(alpha-beta'ish)

Character DB (alpha)
Tome of Salvation

Friday, April 28, 2023
Well.. I guess this is it then..

If someone told me 10 years ago I'd code a full blown Diablo 1 website.. it's crazy. And I've actually managed to do it from scratch in a built-in windows notepad. Though since I was alone and never really had the final design in mind, it took me around 3 years of my life and a bit over 200$ expenses for the domain and hosting fees. It was created out of desperation. We've just launched Season 1 Pandemonium Trial Tournament on the good old forums. Soon after, got shut down. A very sad day. Barely pulled out the statistics and results, I decided to code a website myself. And I kept at it. Re-writing, adding features, removing features, testing, constantly re-designing, fixing bugs, breaking things and fixing everything again. I've pulled a lot of all-nighters. Learning. Reading. Googling how some specific stuff was done. Front-end. Back-End. Some pages still look a bit janky but I would lie if I'd say I didn't had fun! But..

But it's time to let this place go. Currently, I don't have much if any intentions to keep the website running. I could set up a PayPal or Patrion for donations. But I don't feel comfortable asking the Diablo 1 community for money. This website will go offline on the 26th of February 2025. A website that looks kind of cool but is barely used. Nowadays, people are playing Mods, Remasters, Devolution X, etc. Everyone uses Discord. It's much more convenient. We were more about the "Vanilla" experience. Also, there's still a lack of interest in playing in our own team. We still play. Kind of. A game or two here and there in a month. We've also moved to Discord.

After all of the above - I've still backed up the code. Just in case. Until the website expires, I still might try to fix something or add/remove stuff if I have the motivation or energy to do it.

Would like to thank everyone who helped create this place and played seasons or/and games. You know who you are. Thank you!



Tuesday, November 24, 2020
So it's been foretold, that an ancient plague would come and bring death itself to ravage the mortal souls. The black fog brought silence... The Sanctuary became deadlands. This marks the beginning of the Dark Times... But the sign of the "Two" gives us hope...

Thursday, November 24, 2019
Many moons passed since the first demonic encounter.. Today we celebrate the first mention of The Pandemonium Trial. May the World of Sanctuary find peace and these corrupted lands restored! May all heroes be prepared to face future encounters of the Prime Evil when and if resurrected.

Monday, November 11, 2019
With the combined effort of all heroes The Prime Evil was sent back to the burning hells. The Soulstone was extracted and destroyed. Demonic presence eradicated.The Sanctuary is at peace... for now..

Thursday, October 3, 2019
Diablo Walks the Earth...

Monday, July 8, 2019
This tome discovered, studied and passed to future generations to grasp the knowledge and be prepared to face future encounters of the Prime Evil when and if resurrected.

Saturday, November 24, 2018
The very first mention of the Prime Evil and the trial of soulstone destruction - The Pandemonium Trial! Just a few lines of history and a illustration amongst countless thousands of tomes. Today this war and the knowledge of viable two handed weaponry craftsmanship is widely studied. Perfecting the art, we have been able to withstand total destruction of the town of Tristram. Every successful soulstone shattered and reduced to dust is being documented.

Sunday, August 12, 2018
With the combined effort of all heroes The Prime Evil was sent back to the burning hells. The Soulstone was extracted and destroyed. Demonic presence eradicated.The Sanctuary is at peace... for now..

Friday, August 3, 2018
Diablo Walks the Earth...

Aga co-founder & event executor
Xero co-founder & website admin/design
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